Friday, July 25, 2008


One of my favourite books is Carrie by Stephen King. I decided to read it over again, and write a bit about it. You should definetely check out the book.

The plot of Carrie was outrageous and crazy, but somehow, Stephen King led us to believe that something like what happened to Carrie could actually happen. As you get further into the novel, you get more engrossed in the story. At that point, you can believe anything that it says in the book. Thinking about it later, I highly doubt that something like this has ever happened. What was good about the book was that it wasn’t totally unbelievable, but it wasn’t something that you would ever witness in your entire life. If someone in the world were actually telekinetic, they probably wouldn’t have the same life as Carrie’s. Even so, the story is so descriptive and believable, that you can imagine it in your head while you are reading about it, or even thinking about it. If some things in the novel were toned down a bit, it still could have been believable. Carrie has a great plot and even if some parts aren’t so believable, it still makes you shiver as if it could happen.

I thought that it was interesting how the book was written. Usually, books are written from the main characters view, or the third person. This book was written using many forms. Stephen King wrote in third person when it was Carrie or Susan thinking and/or talking. He also used it when Chris was talking. The slightly out of the ordinary part is how Mr. King wrote the book using pages from books written about Carrie. Imagine Carrie being real. It would be a big story, so people would write things about it. Some examples of the “books” he uses are The Shadow Exploded and My Name is Susan Snell.
The story was taken from many different views. There was Carrie’s, Susan’s, Margaret’s, Tommy’s, Chris’ and many more. The story was told from so many points of view, and that is a good thing because you get to hear the story through different eyes. If the story was just told by one person, let’s say, the book just wouldn’t be the same. I personally do not think that it would be boring, but less exciting than how it is now.

Carrie White was a shy and quiet girl. During school hours, she did not talk much, and she kept to herself. At home, Carrie’s momma had all the power, so Carrie didn’t speak up too often. If Carrie was not quiet or shy, she wouldn’t be made fun of as much, because she would have been able to stand up for herself. She also wouldn’t have been able to speak up against her momma. Carrie was also very imaginative. Carrie did amazing things with her mind that she couldn’t do without imagination. If Carrie wasn’t very imaginative, she wouldn’t have been able to think of so many things that would have gotten her angry. She imagined people thinking things about her, so if she wasn’t so imaginative, the whole mess would have never happened. Carrie thought of revenge and without her great imagination, the book would have been boring.

I would highly recommend Carrie for people that are around twelve years old and up. There are thematic elements in the book that could be disturbing to younger readers, so therefore, it may not be suitable for people of all ages. I would recommend Carrie because I think that the story is very powerful and it is also quite interesting. It is one of those books and you just can’t put down. Carrie is very real, but also has things that aren’t so real involved. This is a good book for people who don’t always expect a happy ending at the end of the story. Carrie will haunt whoever reads this book for the rest of their lives. Her thrilling story captures hearts of people around the world who care for her. If only she knew how many people cared.

1 comment:

beverley said...

haha! you talk about her as if she were real!
My favourite Stephen King book so far is "Insomnia". It was absolutely amazing. I am currently reading "pet Sematary", I've just started.